
Guitar Scales

  The Science of Scales When we talk about scales, we use numbers, or scale tones, to identify the different notes they contains. The names of the scale tones are based on the notes of the major scale and are as follows: 1st (Root) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th The five additional notes that lie outside the major scale can be identified by adding a flat or sharp to the number name. All twelve notes that can be used to make up a scale are named below: 1st b2nd 2nd b3rd 3rd 4th b5th/#4th 5th b6th 6th b7th 7th The diatonic scale modes each contain a variation of the 1st – 7th pattern, selecting one version of each number without skipping or repeating. To demonstrate, take a look at the scale degrees that make up a minor scale: 1st 2nd b3rd 4th 5th b6th b7th Notice how it contains a set of notes to take us from 1st – 7th without repeating or skipping a step. The b3rd is used instead of the 3rd. The b6th is used instead of the 6th. The b7th is used instead of the 7th. These are th


 What are musical modes? Modes in music are scale-like patterns that can begin on any note of the scale, not just the root. Each mode (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian) has a distinct characteristic. These modes come from the earliest forms of Western music; in fact, almost all musical modes can be traced back to Ancient Greece. As you learn the piano modes will play an increasingly important role What are the differences between scales & modes? While the terms scale and mode can be used fairly interchangeably on the piano, the reality is a little more complicated. A piano scale is a set of notes within an octave arranged in sequential order by their pitch. The ascending or descending interval relationships among the pitches define each scale. From this relationship, we can derive a generic formula to transpose the scales onto different piano keys. Moreover, the notes from a scale form melodies and harmonies. Scales are an ordered set of notes with a c

Music Genres

Music Genres At the point when we consider the best music sort, the response is quite often abstract to taste and situation. In any case, we can work out the top music classes according to their notoriety with the overall population. A music sort can be characterized as a customary classification that gathers bits of music sharing a bunch of shows or customs. Music is partitioned into various types utilizing a scope of rules. In any case, because of music's creative nature, groupings are quite often disputable and abstract, with numerous types covering. This post frames a portion of the top music kinds concerning their boundless fame. Inside every class, we'll share a rundown of music specialists by type with the goal that you have a perspective for every classification. At long last, we'll address the inquiry, 'who is the best craftsman ever?' and share some data about probably the greatest music legends ever. mosh pit of a show The Main 10 Music Sorts 1. Rock A